Alright, here are a few simple and logical facts about Criminals and their behavior.
a) Most criminals will be criminals regardless of what laws/regulations/acts/statutes are created to prevent this.
b) Criminals will carry weapons and guns, even if you pass a law banning them from doing so.
c) When criminals are the only ones carrying weapons and guns, leaving the vast majority of innocent civilians unarmed and unable to defend themselves, this gives criminals more opportunity to commit crime.
d) When criminals are the only ones allowed to carry guns, or if guns are heavily regulated, denying individuals their constitutional right to defend themselves and their family, crime rates will increase.
All of these are facts, if you don't believe me, watch Arizona over the next little while. They are currently one of the leading states in criminal activity but as a recent bill was passed, allowing Civilians to obtain access to guns, this will surely decrease. Switzerland allows it's civilians to carry weapons and their crime rate is so low, they don't even carry statistics for it. It is a fact that when people can bear arms, as it is constitutionally adequate, and they can defend themselves, crime rates will lower. Criminals don't want to break into homes knowing people have guns that can hurt them. The crime stays amongst the criminals for the most part. There will always be crime, that is something that can never stop as there will always be unstable people, but if they are better educated this can be prevented. Regardless, Arizona is now better off due to the passing of this bill.
Here is an article regarding Arizona's Bill:
Arizona House Approves Concealed Weapons BillHere is an article regarding why Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world:
Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World