Saturday, July 18, 2009

Reliance and Compliance

For thousands of years people relied on two things; the laws they were given (most of which came from religion and logic) and themselves. If they wanted something done, not only was there not other way for it to be done, but it was just the logical thing to do. If someone wanted to wake up, they had to do it themselves. If they wanted to build a house, eat food, it was theirs for the taking. It was hard to take things for granted when everything had to be appreciated.

It's a reminding aspect but nothing in life comes easy. Whatever we want to have, whatever we want to accomplish is ours. We are meant to live under structure, with authoritative figures giving us morally, proper regulation and order, but with the ability to maneuver as per each and every one of our conscious minds perceives our path to be. Today, the world is definitely a lot different than it was thousands of years ago, even a hundred years ago. We are all inhabiting this planet together, all across it. Instead of taking care of it, we pillage it and take it for granted.

There are reasons religion refer to the human body as a temple. Take into consideration, the treatment of a temple or holy establishment. Most of them are elegantly and beautifully built through a whole lot of hard work.We are meant to take care of ourselves. Sure, it is convenient to wake up from an alarm, for instance, and press the snooze button several times before we actually decide to get up. Sure it is nice to have precooked meals for us that we can cook with radiation, or the ability to drive past a window and grab processed food. My point is, after all this technology becomes such a reliance for us, a dependence, when do we stop complying? Has our lack of self reliance led to a pattern of subsiding appreciation?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Exploiting The World

Watch This, I like what he says about Corporate treatment of the world

History Repeats

H.G. Wells created a novel titled War of the Worlds in 1898. In 1938 Orson Welles (Citizen Kane, 1941) directed and narrated a radio broadcast version of War of the Worlds. It was done on a program that ran 60 minutes, without commercial break, and featured a series of simulated news bulletins about a Martian invasion. The program, to some, seem so realistic that they actually came to believe that it was happening. There were even claims to people witnesses flashes of light or smell poison gas. It probably didn't help that this was during the time of WWII, before Pearl Harbor was attacked and no one believed that was happening. After Pearl Harbor was decimated, America dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of individuals. Then they fought in Europe and helped defeat the Germans. Now, today, they are the world superpower.

A few days ago I was listening to the radio, and I'm not quite sure where exactly, but it was reported that an elementary school (I believe in the U.S.) had decided to make an attempt at helping their students gain imagination for a writing project. They set up a scenario in which their teacher was abducted by aliens and taken away in a space ship. They had the help of local police and firefighters who helped liven the event up with flashing lights and what not. After the "drama" took place, most of the young students reacted negatively. Some even cried when they got home, expressing fear towards their teachers fate. Seems like it sort of backfired.

Funny how one Martian visit on the radio causes people over 70 years ago to panic and a School reenacting a Martian visit in person causes children to cry. Either way, both didn't seem to work quite well. Maybe its an alien thing?

Another comparison:

In 1950, Jewish-German-American banker James Warburg, financial adviser to president Franklin D. Roosevelt, said to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that, "We shall have World Government, whether or not you like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

A few years ago, Alan Greenspan, 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve, said that "...uh, There is no other agency of Government (including the Presidential Administration) which can overrule actions that we (Federal Reserve) take. So long as that is in place, and there is no evidence that the, uh, administration or the congress, or anybody else, is, uh, requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then, what the relationships are, ugh, don't frankly matter and, uh, I've had very good relationships with the presidents."

Quite frankly, I find it rather interesting that these "Men with Money" continue to have these predominately supreme stances on their positioning. Currently several nations are being occupied, mainly in the middle east, and there are people and companies making millions, even billions of dollars of profit from the wars at hand, while the majority of the world suffers from a recession. Oh yeah, another history repeat is in the 1930s before World War II, there was what we now call "The Great Depression", considerably comparable in economic respects with today.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Imagine That...

Imagine That...

A year ago, The war on Iraq (amongst others) was ceased and the invading Governments took responsibility for their actions, rather than pass the blame on from one entity to the next, as they do when they make any mistake, so that they are never at fault.

A week ago, Governments made decisions for the people, based on the needs of the people, rather than the beneficial advantages of Corporations.

Yesterday, The Federal Reserve, amongst other things, was properly audited and the truth about where American tax money is being spent is revealed.

Today, people quit basing their opinions and decisions on minuscule, minor details and realized the difference between conformity and stupidity, opening their minds enough to think logically.

Tomorrow, people stopped living in ignorance, with hatred and indifference, but united together, elevating themselves enough to overcome the struggles caused by corruption.